Bethel Music - Probado Lyrics

Probado Lyrics

Verso 1
Despu s de lo que sucedi
Dime c mo puedo
Funcionar sin ti
Tus ojos siempre est n en m
Nunca te fuiste en vez me hiciste como T

Qu dulce es, confiar en Cristo
Conocerte, verdaderamente
Hijo y Padre, Pastor Eterno
Profundo amor, inmensurable
Amor real, amor probado

Verso 2
Las veces no puedo contar
Fuiste fiel
Cuando yo te fui infiel
Me abrazaste si llor
Aun cuando tu sacrificio no gan

M s que ofrece carne y hueso
Consistente eres T
Otros son imitaciones
Nada se compar a ti
M s que estar enamorado
M s que cualquier emoci n
T habitas muy adentro
Est s en m y yo en ti

Amor probado
Este amor tuyo
Es amor probado
Yo lo he visto
Lo he sentido
Este amor probado
Nunca me olvidare
Cuando me salvaste
S lo T
S lo T
S lo T
Fuiste un amigo para m
Me levantaste
Sanaste mi coraz n
T eres fiel
T eres fiel
Oh, me alcanzaste
Te inclinaste
No importando lo que hice
No importando a donde he estado
T fuiste fiel
Oh me perdonaste
Me llamaste hijo
Me llamas tuyo
Nunca me olvidar
Nunca me olvidar
Oh, no importa donde te encuentres
l es un amigo fiel
T puedes confiar en l
Hay esperanza
Hay fuerzas
Para aquellos que ponen su confianza en l
T no est s solo
l no te abandonar
T no est s solo
l nunca te dejar
Su nombre es fiel
Su nombre es fiel
l nunca cambiar
l nunca cambiar , no
T eres fiel
T eres fiel
Oh, siempre eres fiel
T eres fiel, T eres fiel

Probado Video

Probado Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration


"Probado" is a powerful song by Bethel Music that speaks of the unwavering love and faithfulness of God. The song's lyrics express the deep trust and reliance on God, acknowledging His constant presence in our lives.

Meaning of the Song

"Probado" translates to "Proven" in English, and the song beautifully captures the idea of God's love being tested and proven true. It speaks of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, where the believer experiences the faithfulness of God in every circumstance. The lyrics highlight the sweetness of trusting in Christ, truly knowing Him as the Son and Father, the Eternal Shepherd, and experiencing His deep and immeasurable love.

The song reminds us that God's love is real and has been proven time and time again. It is not simply an emotion or a fleeting feeling, but a genuine and steadfast love that stands the test of time. This love has been demonstrated through Christ's sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection, offering salvation and eternal life to all who believe in Him.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song

Bethel Music is known for creating music that is inspired by their encounters with God and their desire to lead others into a deeper relationship with Him.

The lyrics of "Probado" reflect a personal journey of faith, where the songwriter has experienced the faithfulness and love of God in their own life. It is likely that the song was birthed out of a desire to express gratitude for God's unwavering presence and to encourage others to place their trust in Him.

Bible Verses Related to the Song

The lyrics of "Probado" resonate with several Bible verses that speak of God's faithful love and His presence in our lives. Here are a few verses that relate to the message of the song:

1. Romans 8:38-39 (NIV):
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

This verse reminds us that nothing can separate us from God's love. His love is constant, unchanging, and proven true through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

2. Psalm 36:5 (NIV):
"Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies."

In this verse, we are reminded of the vastness of God's love and His unwavering faithfulness. His love extends beyond our understanding and remains steadfast throughout all generations.

3. Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV):
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

This verse emphasizes God's great love and his faithfulness that is renewed every day. His love is a constant source of hope and strength, sustaining us through every trial and hardship.

4. 2 Timothy 2:13 (NIV):
"If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself."

This verse reassures us that even when we fail or doubt, God remains faithful. His love for us does not depend on our own faithfulness but is rooted in His unchanging nature.

- Unwavering love of God
- Faithfulness of God
- Trusting in Christ
- Personal relationship with Jesus
- Steadfast love
- Proven love
- Deep and immeasurable love
- Salvation and eternal life
- Gratitude for God's presence
- Encouragement to trust in God
- God's faithful love
- Unchanging nature of God


"Probado" by Bethel Music is a beautiful song that celebrates the unwavering love and faithfulness of God. Its lyrics remind us of the deep trust we can have in Christ, knowing that His love has been proven true through His sacrifice on the cross. The song encourages us to place our trust in God, knowing that His love is real, steadfast, and unchanging. As we meditate on the lyrics of "Probado," may we be reminded of the countless Bible verses that speak of God's faithful love and may our hearts be filled with gratitude for His presence in our lives. Probado Lyrics -  Bethel Music

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